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Payoneer Announces Agreement with eBay

eBay continues to manage payments in more countries with the support of Payoneer

Payoneer, the global payment and commerce-enabling platform which powers growth for millions of digital businesses worldwide, announced today that it is collaborating with eBay to enable sellers in select countries to get paid for their sales on eBay’s core marketplace. eBay has teamed up with Payoneer as part of its mission to modernize its marketplace, removing complexities and creating a more streamlined payment experience for sellers around the world. With the help of Payoneer, eBay sellers will benefit from faster access to funds, greater flexibility managing multi-currency payments and expanded reach by enabling sellers to list on multiple international eBay sites.

Effective April 2021, Payoneer is managing payouts for eBay sellers from Greater China as eBay expands its management of payments around the globe. eBay and Payoneer intend to expand the service to additional countries later in the year.

For Payoneer, this agreement comes on the heels of its announcement that it will go public later this year through a business combination with a special purpose acquisition company. The wave of digitization that has accelerated during the pandemic has further highlighted the importance of seamless global commerce, as more buyers and sellers transact across borders. Payoneer processed $44.4 billion in volume in 2020, a 53% increase from 2019.

“We are honored to partner with eBay, a true pioneer and giant in the world of ecommerce,” stated Scott Galit, CEO of Payoneer. “Their goal of creating a streamlined, modern marketplace that simplifies cross-border commerce is one that resonates deeply with us and our customers. As a commerce-enabler, it is our mission to work with sellers across every platform where they transact. We look forward to working with eBay to provide the best possible experience to sellers all over the world.”

“Managing payments on our platform is a key component to enhancing the eBay experience for our customers,” added Alyssa Cutright, Vice President of Global Payments at eBay. “We’re excited to be partnering with Payoneer at a time of such growth for both our companies. Together, we will build on the momentum that ecommerce has seen in the past year, helping sellers transact with customers across borders with flexibility and security, all on a simple, modern platform.”

Note: In February 2021, Payoneer entered into an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization with FTAC Olympus Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: FTOC) in a transaction that would result in Payoneer becoming a U.S. publicly listed entity. The transaction is expected to close in the second quarter of 2021, subject to satisfaction of customary closing conditions.

About Payoneer

Payoneer’s mission is to empower businesses to go beyond – beyond borders, limits and expectations. In today’s digital world, Payoneer enables any business of any size from anywhere to access new economic opportunities by making it possible to transact as easily globally as they do locally.


Payoneer 宣布與 eBay 達成協議

在 Payoneer 的支持下,eBay 繼續在更多國家/地區管理付款

Payoneer 是全球支付和商業支持平台,為全球數百萬數字企業的增長提供動力,今天宣布它正在與 eBay 合作,使特定國家/地區的賣家能夠獲得在 eBay 核心市場上的銷售收入。 eBay 與 Payoneer 合作,作為其使命的一部分,以實現其市場現代化、消除複雜性並為世界各地的賣家創造更簡化的支付體驗。在 Payoneer 的幫助下,eBay 賣家將受益於更快的資金訪問、更大的管理多幣種支付的靈活性以及通過使賣家能夠在多個國際 eBay 網站上列出來擴大覆蓋範圍。

自 2021 年 4 月起,隨著 eBay 在全球範圍內擴展其付款管理,Payoneer 將為大中華區的 eBay 賣家管理付款。 eBay 和 Payoneer 打算在今年晚些時候將該服務擴展到更多國家。

對於 Payoneer 而言,該協議是在其宣布將於今年晚些時候通過與一家特殊目的收購公司的業務合併上市之後達成的。隨著越來越多的買家和賣家跨境交易,大流行期間加速的數字化浪潮進一步凸顯了無縫全球商業的重要性。 Payoneer 在 2020 年處理的交易量為 444 億美元,比 2019 年增長了 53%。

Payoneer 首席執行官斯科特·加利特 (Scott Galit) 表示:“我們很榮幸能與電子商務領域真正的先驅和巨頭 eBay 合作。 “他們的目標是創建一個簡化跨境商務的精簡現代市場,這與我們和我們的客戶產生了深刻的共鳴。作為商業推動者,我們的使命是與賣家進行交易的每個平台合作。我們期待與 eBay 合作,為世界各地的賣家提供最佳體驗。”

eBay 全球支付副總裁 Alyssa Cutright 補充道:“在我們的平台上管理支付是為我們的客戶提升 eBay 體驗的關鍵組成部分。 “我們很高興能在我們兩家公司都取得如此增長的時期與 Payoneer 合作。我們將共同利用電子商務在過去一年的發展勢頭,幫助賣家在一個簡單、現代的平台上靈活、安全地與客戶進行跨境交易。”

注:2021 年 2 月,Payoneer 與 FTAC Olympus Acquisition Corp(納斯達克股票代碼:FTOC)簽署了一項協議和重組計劃,該交易將導致 Payoneer 成為美國上市實體。該交易預計將於 2021 年第二季度完成,但須滿足慣例成交條件。

關於 Payoneer

Payoneer 的使命是讓企業能夠超越——超越國界、限制和期望。在當今的數字世界中,Payoneer 使在全球範圍內進行交易就像在本地進行交易一樣輕鬆,從而使任何規模的任何企業都能在任何地方獲得新的經濟機會。


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