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Payoneer to Become a US Publicly Traded Company

Payoneer Inc., the global payment and commerce-enabling platform which powers growth for millions of digital businesses worldwide, and FTAC Olympus Acquisition Corp., a special purpose acquisition company, have announced they have entered into a definitive agreement and plan of reorganisation. Upon closing of the reorganisation, the newly created holding company will be renamed Payoneer Global Inc. and the combined company will operate as Payoneer, a US publicly listed entity. The Company is expected to have an implied estimated enterprise value of approximately $3.3 billion at closing, based on current assumptions.

Payoneer’s management team will continue to lead the Company. Payoneer has been backed by investments from TCV, Susquehanna Growth Equity (SGE), Viola Ventures, Wellington Management, Nyca Partners, Temasek and more.

Payoneer’s mission is to democratise access to financial services and drive growth for digital businesses of all sizes from around the world. Payoneer was founded on the basis that technology and the internet were transforming commerce and making it possible for anyone anywhere to build and grow a digital business. Over the past 15 years, Payoneer has built a broad ecosystem that connects marketplaces, sellers, freelancers, gig workers, manufacturers, banks, suppliers, buyers and more into an integrated global platform. Payoneer’s secure, regulated platform offers a global, multi-currency account to businesses of any size around the world, enabling them to pay and get paid globally as easily as they do locally.

“Technology is transforming commerce globally, bringing down borders and making it possible for entrepreneurs from all over the world to build a digital business,” said Scott Galit, Chief Executive Officer of Payoneer. “This new way of doing business requires a global financial platform built for the digital age. Payoneer’s purpose-built platform provides global connectivity with localized capabilities, layered on top of a robust and scalable compliance, risk and regulatory infrastructure. We are incredibly excited about the opportunity ahead and believe that our leading global platform, brand, product suite, and network create significant and sustainable competitive advantages, and that our multi-pronged growth strategy will deliver strong growth for years to come. We are thrilled to partner with Betsy Cohen and the FTOC team and are confident that we will benefit from their significant industry expertise as we embark on our journey as a public company.”

Building upon its meaningful brand, recognized and trusted by businesses all over the world, Payoneer has expanded its services to empower businesses to grow globally. Payoneer services include: Marketplace Payments; B2B Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable; Merchant Services; Working Capital; and Risk and Compliance Services.

Betsy Z. Cohen, Chairman of the Board of Directors of FTAC Olympus Acquisition Corp., said, “Payoneer is at the forefront of the rapid, global shift to digital commerce across all sectors. Its innovative and unique high-tech, high-touch platform positions Payoneer at the epicenter of some of the most powerful and enduring trends driving global commerce today. Its proven ability to facilitate the overall growth of e-commerce through capabilities such as B2B payment digitization, global risk and compliance infrastructure, and the enablement for SMBs to rapidly grow and scale sets Payoneer apart. I couldn’t be more excited about this transaction which will allow this talented team to accelerate their growth strategy and continue to democratize access to global commerce.”


Payoneer 成為美國上市公司

Payoneer Inc. 是全球支付和商業支持平台,為全球數百萬數字業務的增長提供動力,而 FTAC Olympus Acquisition Corp. 是一家特殊目的收購公司,已宣布他們已達成最終協議和重組計劃。重組完成後,新成立的控股公司將更名為 Payoneer Global Inc.,合併後的公司將作為 Payoneer 運營,這是一家美國上市實體。根據目前的假設,預計該公司在收盤時的隱含估計企業價值約為 33 億美元。

Payoneer 的管理團隊將繼續領導公司。 Payoneer 得到了來自 TCV、Susquehanna Growth Equity (SGE)、Viola Ventures、Wellington Management、Nyca Partners、淡馬錫等的投資支持。

Payoneer 的使命是實現金融服務的民主化,並推動全球各種規模的數字企業的增長。 Payoneer 成立的基礎是技術和互聯網正在改變商業,讓任何地方的任何人都可以建立和發展數字業務。在過去的 15 年裡,Payoneer 建立了一個廣泛的生態系統,將市場、賣家、自由職業者、零工、製造商、銀行、供應商、買家等連接到一個集成的全球平台。 Payoneer 安全、受監管的平台為全球任何規模的企業提供全球多幣種賬戶,使他們能夠像在本地一樣輕鬆地在全球範圍內付款和收款。

Payoneer 首席執行官斯科特·加利特 (Scott Galit) 表示:“技術正在改變全球商業,打破國界,讓來自世界各地的企業家能夠建立數字業務。” “這種新的經商方式需要一個為數字時代構建的全球金融平台。 Payoneer 的專用平台提供具有本地化功能的全球連接,並以強大且可擴展的合規性、風險和監管基礎設施為基礎。我們對未來的機會感到非常興奮,並相信我們領先的全球平台、品牌、產品套件和網絡創造了顯著且可持續的競爭優勢,我們的多管齊下的增長戰略將在未來幾年實現強勁增長。我們很高興與 Betsy Cohen 和 FTOC 團隊合作,並有信心在我們開始作為一家上市公司的旅程時,我們將受益於他們重要的行業專業知識。”

Payoneer 以其意義深遠的品牌為基礎,得到全球企業的認可和信賴,擴大了其服務範圍,以助力企業在全球範圍內發展。 Payoneer 服務包括: 市場支付; B2B 應付帳款/應收帳款;商戶服務;營運資金;和風險與合規服務。

FTAC Olympus Acquisition Corp. 董事會主席 Betsy Z. Cohen 表示:“Payoneer 處於全球所有行業向數字商務快速轉變的最前沿。其創新且獨特的高科技、高接觸平台使 Payoneer 成為當今推動全球商業的一些最強大、最持久的趨勢的中心。 Payoneer 通過 B2B 支付數字化、全球風險和合規基礎設施等功能促進電子商務的整體增長,以及支持中小型企業快速增長和規模化,其成熟的能力使 Payoneer 與眾不同。我對這筆交易感到非常興奮,這將使這支才華橫溢的團隊能夠加速他們的增長戰略,並繼續使全球商業的准入民主化。”


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