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What's the difference between a rich man and a normal person? They won't have these 20 bad habits

1. Get up too late, get used to staying up late

2. Ignore the importance of health

3. No time for reading

4. Relying on a single source of income

5. No accounting and budget setting

6. No savings

7. Ignore daily odds and ends

8. Wasting time on unimportant people

9. Procrastination

10. Drinking and gambling

11. Watching too much TV

12. No life mentor

13. Be willing to stay in the comfort zone

14. Don't dare to ask questions

15. Be crushed by failure

16. No daily goal set

17. Negative thinking

18. Don't just put money in the bank

19. Make excuses

20. Failure to follow the 70/30 rule

We have previously shared that the difference between "rich people" and ordinary people is not only rich. Research: rich people even have different psychological characteristics. We have analyzed the common traits of most rich people in personality. Let’s take a look at whether there is any difference in habits between rich people and ordinary people, apart from the differences in personality traits. The following lists 20 common bad habits of ordinary people. If you want to become rich and successful in your career, you must get rid of these habits to increase your success rate.

1. Get up too late, get used to staying up late

As the saying goes, "the early bird catches the worm", but in fact, people nowadays always like to stay up late with revenge and stay in bed the next day until noon. Such a vicious circle will only cause the daytime work to be unfinished, and it will be delayed for more time. When the night comes, it will be shocked that there is no rest, and precious sleep time will be used to chase dramas and play mobile games.

2. Ignore the importance of health

Thomas Corley wrote in "Wealthy Habits": "When it comes to health, one must talk about how bad habits affect health."

When you are in an unhealthy state, you will feel tired and low productivity, which makes you more stressed and more likely to get sick. If you have to spend a lot of time every day just fighting the symptoms caused by these bad habits, then what time is there to improve efficiency?

3. No time to read

The rich will invest the necessary time and energy to expand their knowledge, grasp the news and trends in their own industry, and broaden their minds to learn new things from others.

As Lipovsky said, reading will bring different perspectives. When these perspectives are internalized into their own knowledge, they will talk and collide with each other again, forming an implosion of knowledge. These learning experiences will make you better. The key to one floor.

4. Relying on a single source of income

If you are a person with clear financial goals, you may be used to dividing your income into several parts, which are used to save retirement pensions, invest in funds, or plan monthly entertainment and social funds.

When you divide your monthly expenditure items into different categories, don’t forget that eggs can’t be put in the same basket, and it’s best not to have only one income channel.

This is not to force everyone to have a second job. Additional sources of income may come from things you are passionate about, such as writing articles and teaching skills. Some things may take some time to accumulate to see real benefits, but these are necessary and worthwhile investments.

5. No accounting or budget setting

Thomas Stanley and William Danko, the authors of "It turns out that the rich do this: imitate the wealth management skills of the rich, learn how to get rich", observe the daily life of millionaires in "The Next Rich Man Is You", It is found that setting a budget for each item is a common habit of most wealthy people.

Few people actually plan the budget, and even if they plan, they don’t follow it. This habit will make it difficult to grasp the daily expenses, and finally unknowingly exceed your own income without noticing it. In order to avoid always moonlighting, maybe you can start learning to keep accounts and plan budgets.

6. No savings

"In my research, 95% of the poor have no savings. Most people have accumulated a lot of debt in order to maintain their quality of life. Therefore, they are retiring, paying for their children’s education, or have a sudden I was surprised when I had no savings to afford investment opportunities.” There is a narrative in Tom Corley’s book that explains what a person might encounter when his income can only be equal to his expenses and he has no savings. The problem.

7. Ignore daily odds and ends

You might think that spending 55 yuan a day to buy a cup of hot latte, and those gym members you have never used have no effect on your wallet, but in fact, these fractional expenses will eventually accumulate sand into a tower, turning into a considerable sum of money Amount.

You can open your online banking app right now and take a look at your expenses. I believe you will be surprised that the money for buying coffee, drinking a hand shaker, eating or watching a movie accounted for a large part of the credit card fee every month. Data shows that 35% of people can only pay the minimum amount of credit card fees each month.

This also highlights why setting a budget is so important. It can help you manage these fragmentary expenses, save you unnecessary expenses and meet necessary needs.

8. Wasting time on unimportant people

Replace people who make your life unpleasant and reduce efficiency with optimistic, positive, and supportive people. "In life, you can only succeed if you are with the right people," Corley said.

9. Procrastination

Wanting to be a millionaire is one thing, but starting to be a millionaire is another.

If you want to get rid of stagnant account numbers, then you need to take action as soon as possible. If you need to talk to some financial advisors now, go make an appointment now, don't just talk.

10. Drinking and gambling

There are many people who want to become rich, and finally all take the gambling all the way. They are convinced that this is the only way to get rich.

Things are counterproductive, and the result of indulging in gambling is often ruin and loss of life. What really rich people care about is how to pursue excellence and realize their ideals.

On the other hand, excessive drinking can damage your memory, thinking ability and health, and also prevent you from becoming a millionaire. But occasionally a glass of wine or beer is fine, as long as you don’t over indulge in alcohol.

11. Watching too much TV

Zig Ziglar once said: "The rich have small TVs and large libraries, and the poor have small libraries and large TVs."

Don't get me wrong, Zig Ziglar also likes watching Netflix very much. But, just like Corley's discovery, rich people prefer to read, exercise, or study instead of wasting time watching TV. "Efficient use of time is common to millionaires."

"Wasting time is the right of the poor," Corley said.

12. No life mentor

Why is a life mentor so important? The reason lies in how you learn lessons from their successes and failures, and their suggestions can often save you a lot of the possibility of going wrong, which is beneficial to you without any harm.

Not really asking you to find a teacher, maybe such a person is by your side, maybe your parents, university professors.

13. Be willing to stay in the comfort zone

Taking risks out of your comfort zone is always anxious, but for Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Larry Ellison and Warren Buffet, taking risks and constantly jumping out of the comfort zone is a personal trait they share.

14. Don't dare to ask questions

Before the road to wealth, please put aside your self-esteem and face for the time being. If you are not sure how to invest, manage money, or have no idea at all, the best solution is to bravely ask others shamelessly.

15. Be crushed by failure

Entrepreneurs regard failure as a badge of honor. It does not mean that they are happy or want to fail. It is just that these experiences will become the nutrients for future success.

You don't need to feel confused or hesitate. Although failure is really terrible, you shouldn't reject it. If you fail, learn from your mistakes and move on.

16. No daily goal set

In recent years, I think one of the best habits is to fill in the goals of the day as the first thing I get up every morning, which can effectively motivate and encourage me to achieve my goals.

I find that setting daily goals helps to prioritize things, from the most important to the least. This habit can plan your time in the most efficient way.

17. Negative thinking

Corley wrote: "Only with a positive attitude can long-term success be possible."

If you are a person who often doubts yourself and lacks self-confidence, the following is a simple positive thinking example we provide. You can also cultivate your own positive thinking habit through a lot of learning, external professional training and guidance.

Negative: "Bad grades."

Positive: No, a person's success does not depend on the level of score.

Message: "The competition is too fierce."

Positive: If you don't try, you will never know the result.

18. Don't just put money in the bank

"If your job will never make you rich, and you will not be able to save money in the money box. How do you accumulate your wealth?" said Brandon Turne, Deputy Director of Planning and Real Estate Investor at Said.

Indeed, simply saving not only has low interest rates, but sometimes increases in inflation and loses money. So how do you save money?

Brandon Turne recommends investing your savings in long-term profitable assets instead of just keeping your money in the bank.

19. Make excuses

Excuses are always the worst enemy of getting rich. When we try to understand why there are so many bills to pay every month, and why we do not have a six-figure income, some people may answer "Life is short, live in the moment." Yes, making excuses is so easy, but starting now, please stop the bad habit of making excuses for yourself.

For example, when you are worrying about high debts again, don't worry about saving money. The first task is to pay them off. Only then are you eligible to talk about subsequent savings and investments. If you cannot make enough money, please find another source of income, such as online auctions or find a part-time job.

That may not solve all problems at once, but at least it is the beginning of giving up excuses.

20. Failure to follow the 70/30 rule

Jim Rohn is a well-known American entrepreneur, writer and motivational speaker. He has a simple formula for saving money.

"After paying taxes, 70% of the income will be used to meet the necessities of life and the purchase of social and luxury goods, and the remaining 30% will have to be carefully thought about how to distribute."

Rohn's approach is to provide one third to charity units, one third to invest, and the remaining third to save. You may not feel much at first, but after five years, you will be very surprised by the amount you have saved, and the growth of this number will only become more and more stable.


有錢人跟一般人差在哪?他們不會有這 20 個不良習慣

先前我們分享過,「有錢人」跟一般人的差別不只在有錢而已,研究:富人連心理特徵都不同,分析了大部分有錢人在個性上的共同特質,這次則要再進一步帶大家來看,有錢人與一般人除了人格特質上的差異,習慣是否有什麼不同。下文列出 20 個一般人常見的不良習慣,若想成為有錢、事業成功的人,必須改掉這些習慣,以提升自己的成功率。

1. 太晚起床,習慣熬夜


2. 忽視健康的重要

Thomas Corley 在《富有的習慣》中寫道:「提到健康,就必須講到不良習慣如何影響健康。」


3. 沒有讀書的時間


正如 Lipovsky 所言,閱讀會帶來不同的觀點,當這些觀點內化成自己的知識後,觀點之間又會再彼此對話、衝撞,形成知識的內爆,這些學習經驗都將成為使你更上一層樓的關鍵。

4. 僅仰賴單一收入來源




5. 不會記帳、設定預算

《原來有錢人都這麼做:效法有錢人的理財術,學習富人的致富之道》的作者 Thomas Stanley 和 William Danko 在《下個富翁就是你》中觀察了百萬富翁們的日常,發現為每件是訂定預算是大部分富翁的共通習慣。


6. 沒有一筆積蓄

「在我的研究中,百分之九十五的窮人沒有儲蓄,大部分的人為了維持生活品質,累積了不少債務。因此,他們在退休、負擔子女教育費,或是有個突如其來的投資機會時,才驚覺自己沒有積蓄可以負擔。」Tom Corley 的書裡有這麼一段敘述,說明當一個人的收入永遠只能和支出打平且身上沒有任何積蓄時,可能會遇到什麼樣的問題。

7. 忽略日常零碎花費

你可能會認為每天花 55 元買杯熱拿鐵,還有那些你從來沒用過的健身房會員對你的荷包沒有任何影響,但實際上這些零碎花費最後都會積沙成塔,變成一筆相當可觀的金額。

你可以現在立刻打開自己的線上銀行 App,稍微瀏覽一下自己的花費。相信你會很意外原來這些買咖啡、喝手搖杯、吃飯或看電影的錢佔據了每個月信用卡費的大宗。數據顯示,有 35% 的人每個月僅能付出信用卡費的最低繳費額度。


8. 浪費時間在不重要的人

用樂觀、積極和支持的人取代那些使你生活不愉快、降低效率的人們。「在生活中,只有與合適的人在一起,你才會成功。」 Corley 說。

9. 拖拖拉拉



10. 喝酒和賭博




11. 看太多電視

Zig Ziglar 曾經說過:「富人有小型電視和大型圖書館,窮人則是小型圖書館和大型電視。」

別誤會,Zig Ziglar 也非常喜歡看 Netflix。只是,就如 Corley 的發現一樣,有錢人更喜歡閱讀、鍛煉或學習,而不是浪費時間在看電視。「高效率利用時間是百萬富翁的共通點。」

「浪費時間是窮人的權利。」 Corley 說。

12. 沒有人生導師



13. 甘於停留在舒適圈

冒險脫離自己的舒適圈總是讓人備感焦慮,但是對於 Bill Gates、Richard Branson、 Larry Ellison 和 Warren Buffet 來說,勇於冒險、不斷跳脫舒適圈是他們一項共同擁有的個人特質。

14. 不敢提問題


15. 被失敗擊垮



16. 沒有設定每日目標



17. 消極思考

Corley 寫道:「只有擁有積極的心態,才有可能取得長遠的成功。」






18. 不要只把錢存在銀行

「如果你的這份工作永遠不會使你致富,也無法把錢存到存錢筒裡。那你怎麼累積你的財富呢?」 的企劃部副部長、不動產投資人 Brandon Turne 這樣說道。


Brandon Turne 建議把積蓄投資到可以長期獲利的資產,不要只把錢存在銀行。

19. 找藉口




20. 沒有遵守 70/30 法則

Jim Rohn 是美國知名的企業家、作家和勵志演說家,他有一個簡單的存錢公式。

「繳完稅後用收入的 70% 來滿足生活必需花費和社交、奢侈品的購買,剩下的 30% 則要經過縝密思考如何分配。」

Rohn 的作法是將三分之一提供給慈善單位,三分之一拿去投資,剩下的三分之一拿來儲蓄。起初可能不會有什麼感受,但五年過去後,你會對自己存下來的金額感到非常意外,而這筆數字的成長只會越來越穩定。


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