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Searchlights: The more money you hit, the more you step on. There has been a surge in cases of alternative gambling addiction

[US] More and more game centers are opened, and the number of cases of addiction to gambling due to indulging in prize games is on the rise. [TW] 遊戲中心愈開愈多,沉迷有獎遊戲而染上賭癮的個案卻上升。

The more the game center opens up, the more mobile game class money (payment) is also no king tube, indulge in award-winning games and become addicted to gambling cases are on the rise. Middle-aged men spend millions of dollars a day rainbow, clip dolls, can not extricate themselves from debt, and ultimately debt million bankruptcy. Underage girls mobile game gold addiction, non-stop to ask the father to buy points card pumping game equipment, accumulative spending of more than 10,000. Gambling authorities are concerned about the rise in the number of cases of alternative gambling addiction, with 70% of cases received in the first quarter of this year compared with the whole of last year, and Members of the Legislative Council have criticized the Government for sitting idly by.

"At most I tried to play with 10,000 mosquitoes in 1 day, and accumulated debts of more than one million. Two years ago, he broke the birth." The 50-year-old Ade (pseudonym) began to indulge in the rainbow, the silver machine and the folder 11 years ago. After playing games such as dolls, they couldn't extricate themselves. They gambled on their salaries and even borrowed money from financial companies through intermediaries, which led to high debts. Ade recalled that he was excited and devoted when playing games, and he could relieve his boredom. The rich prizes he won were piled up in the house, and he was even sold on stalls. Only the excessive investment caused him to be estranged from his family. Later, he got the help of a social worker to realize that he was addicted to gambling.

In recent years, there have been more and more dolly machine shops, but there are few reminders in the shops that people will become addicted to gambling when playing games. Another emerging "casino" is mobile games. "Playing with friends, constantly asking my dad to buy credit cards and draw equipment, because every time I draw, I don’t know that there are prizes." Wenwen, a minor, spends hours playing mobile games every day. She doesn’t. Thinks that he is addicted to playing games, but only through "class money" to upgrade equipment and level. Her father is a gambling person, and she asks her father for money from time to time in exchange for ideal equipment for mobile games, accumulating a total cost of about 20,000 Hong Kong dollars.

However, the money and time that Wenwen put in more and more affects her life and finances. Hu Shimin, acting director of the Peace Square of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, pointed out that the case is suspected of being addicted to gambling. Hu pointed out that the gambling addiction cases received by the center have been increasing in recent years. In 2017, there were only 4 cases, last year there were 13 cases, and there were 10 cases in the first quarter of this year. Half of the people owed more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars in debt. The cases involving addiction to gaming centers are only sporadic, which is believed to be due to insufficient knowledge of addiction.

Legislative Council member Ko Chongsheng criticized the government for sitting idly by, saying that although games such as dolls and silver push machines can relieve players, they have become a hotbed of crime due to negligent supervision by the government. In order to prevent the gathered children or players from getting vices, the government should Strengthen the supervision of entertainment venues that provide games.

Spokespersons from the Home Affairs Bureau and the Home Affairs Department stated that the government regulates activities that have a gambling component through a license under the Gambling Ordinance, and whether the rainbow, the silver push machine, the dolly and the mobile games involve gambling, it is necessary to apply for it. The "rewarded entertainment game license" or other licenses under the "Gambling Ordinance" depend on whether the actual operation of individual games meets the interpretation of the Ordinance.


探射燈:打機課金愈踩愈深 另類賭癮個案激增








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